Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
So, what is the Spark of Hope (SOH)? You have probably seen the van and/or contributed via the fifth Sunday collection. This ministry serves the poor in our community by picking up and distributing donated food from local grocery stores.
A team of volunteers picks up food items Monday through Saturday that would be discarded because the “use by” date has expired. It distributes the food to over 20 local food banks and pantries on the North Side and in the North Hills.
Your generosity and the SOH volunteers make it one of the most efficient non-profits in the area. We are pleased to report that every dollar that you give to the SOH results in over $20 in value for the hungry.
Thank you for your continued support!
If you would like to volunteer to serve on the truck, please contact Dave DeMario (412-367-9001, ext. 320).