Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Thank you to all parishioners who have enrolled in Faith Direct to begin contributing electronically in December. You are able to enroll at any time, simply return the form to Faith Direct at the address on the bottom of the form you received in the mail or visit https://membership.faithdirect.net/PA1109.
As a reminder, no other on-line providers are available after November 30, 2020. Please note on your bank or credit card statement, the name “Saint Sebastian-Faith Direct” will appear until the legal process is completed with our name change.
Stewardship is about looking at the many gifts we have been granted by God — our time, our talents, our intellect, and our resources — and about generously sharing all that we have with others.
You have been granted many gifts, and they are needed at our Parish. Please consider sharing your time, talents, and resources with us.
The weekly Sunday collection is vital to the life of our parishes. It supports the maintenance, upgrade, and running of the parish and all of its activities and enables the parishes to continue to grow their programs and ministries. Your weekly support is deeply appreciated.
Envelopes are available by contacting the parish business office. Parishioners are also encouraged to set up secure automatic electronic contributions through the Faith Direct link at the top of this page.