Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Spiritual Advisor: Deacon Cliff Homer
The Evangelization Team is composed of parishioners and staff members who are working together to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!
The Team was formed about seven years ago to develop a long-term vision of evangelization for our parish and to coordinate the many evangelization activities that were being managed independently (by the team members).
The two approaches to evangelization are: (1) programmatic and (2) strategic.
The programmatic function involves offering faith building and sustaining programs/events like the Monthly Rosary and Talk, Lenten and Advent seminars, parish missions, Life in the Spirit Seminars, and free prayer guides and spiritual books at Christmas and/or Easter.
The strategic function involved the creation of a five-year plan aimed at supporting the development of missionary disciples.
A number of activities and programs have been introduced, including the four core experiences: ChristLife, The Way, On Fire, and Your Mission. Click on the buttons at left to learn more about any or all of them.