If we only dabble in our faith lives, we will only have enough religion to make ourselves miserable. But if we dwell in it, dwell in Him, then we will gain more and more of His presence. If we invest time with Jesus in a lifestyle of worship, and work at our spiritual fitness, we begin to not just know more about Him- we begin, more importantly, to have a deeper relationship... with him. Catholic writer, Matthew Kelly, puts it this way: “Our lives change when our habits change.”
In this Gospel, we celebrate the "initiation rite" that launched Jesus into public ministry. We too (who have been baptized) celebrate our own "initiation rite". Together with the other two Initiation Sacraments of Confirmation and Communion, our Baptism immerses us into the life of Christ and empowers us to live a holy life. We become among his servants that God mentions in the First Reading: those he has chosen, those he is pleased with, and those upon whom he has put his Spirit. The extent to which we have achieved fullness of that spirit that we've been gifted with as Christians, baptized into the ministry of Christ, can be revealed in the way we live our lives. Have we been generous of spirit, living lives that replicate the humility and service of Christ?