It’s in the process of actively seeking reconciliation through daily, and thoroughly reflective prayer, and going to confession, that allows us grow in our walk of faith in a way that was demonstrated by Oskar Schindler (of "Schindler's List"), but clearly was not demonstrated by the rich man in the gospel.
There are three distinct characters that play a part in today's Gospel. There is Simon the Pharisee, a religious leader, who in the story, invites Jesus to his home, but is shown to be inhospitable to him. There is the unnamed female guest who could be described as the town harlot, who is very contrite for her past actions and is seeking forgiveness. And then of course there is Jesus. There are lessons to be learned by looking at all three characters but I'd like to focus on Jesus' vantage point, as we see how he responds to this encounter with both this woman and Simon the Pharisee. It tells us a lot about Him and a lot about what He wants every one of us to be.