Our home is not only the four walls around us. There is also a home inside each of us. We can choose to be aware of this home inside us, and manage it well, or we may neglect this home, remain absent from it or fill it with stuff that is of no value. The condition of the home inside us is much more important than the building that we happen to live in. One reason the home inside us is so important is that here is where God desires to be our guest. The promise Jesus makes at the Last Supper that I just recited suggests God is competing heavily, every day, to be, not just on our guest list, but a permanent resident.
In today's Gospel reading, Jesus spells out the three basic elements of faith: obedience, love, and joy. Love is the center; it holds obedience and joy together. When we disobey, it's because we don't fully understand why it's unloving; we don't realize that our sin interferes with our ability to love and to be loved. On the other hand, when we obey because we love, we experience great joy.